Things that are making me smile!

First of all, I want to say a huge “thank you” to all of the incredible support and encouragement I received from my recent post on loneliness. My heart was built up so much. I was reminded that even thought I don’t have a strong community here in DC, there are people that love and care about me! To all of my friends and family – ya’ll mean more to me than I can ever put into words! Thank you for your constant texts/phone calls/encouragement!

Since my last post was on the heavier side, I figured I’d just share some things that are currently making me smile!


It’s the small things…


1) Operation “domestic Chelsea”…


My fairly limited bank account, and my abundance of time has lead me to start learning how to cook  perfect my cooking/baking skills!!


Okay, so spinach isn’t exactly Rachel Ray, but it’s a start!!

Also, I can make a mean banana bread! Seriously, I’m pretty proud of it!


I figured that if I wanna get a man one day – I should learn how to woo him with my cooking skills! They always say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach right?!




2) The gorgeous farmers market near my office…


Some co-workers and I headed out to take a stroll through a farmers market that is a block away from our office and a block away from the White House! Michelle Obama is known to have shopped there! I would have bought all the flowers if I could! They were practically screaming to be taken home and enjoyed!!


The veggies weren’t too shabby either!!


3) A little bit of home (via pictures from my family!)…


I miss this furry little beast!


These girls are my world! It’s a fact, I have the most gorgeous, sweetest, and basically most awesome sisters ever!


4) This mug…



I’d never been to Anthropology before, and my first “DC” friend, Rachel made me promise that I’d wait and go with her. Well the other night, Rachel and I were grabbing dinner and she showed up with a gift bag and this incredibly cute mug in it. I swear it makes coffee taste better, if that was even possible!!


5) Morning Texts from my brother…


When I left home, Nicholas told me that he was going to text me every morning, and he has kept that promise! I look forward to keeping in touch with him, even if it’s just a short text or two in the morning because we’re both so busy! My current life goal is to find my brother a great woman. (Applications currently being accepted!



6) The road trip I’m currently planning…



Maybe I’m dreaming a little bit, but how gorgeous are those mountains?! One day I plan on buying a jeep wrangler, loading up and driving across the country. Yes, I know gas prices are outrageous, but I wanna see this great country I call home!


7) This video…


Somehow I stumbled upon this video at work the other day and decided to watch it. I didn’t know what to expect, and ended up sitting at my desk with tears pouring down my cheeks! Maybe it was the fact that I was worn out and a tad more emotional than usual, but if you have a few minutes, watch this video! Such a precious love story!


Raw thoughts on loneliness !

I’ve avoided writing this post for a while, because I was scared that if I did write it, I would pack my bags and be on the next plane home within an hour.


The first week in DC was the honeymoon phase – I was learning a new job, I went out on a date, I explored the city….then it hit me

“WOW, I just moved my entire life to this strange city. What on earth was I thinking?!”

As much as I love DC and my job, I have been more lonely than I have ever been in my entire life! That sounds a bit dramatic, but for 4 years, I was at Liberty University, where I was surrounded by thousands of people, and I had a whole community that I could call on at anytime. Whenever I wanted to, I could call up a friend and have someone to go to dinner with me, jog around campus together, come up to my room and watch a movie, or walk with me while I poured out my heart. Even when I was back home, there are 8 people in my family, so I always had someone right there for me! Whether I needed a shoulder to cry on, or someone to go get coffee with me, there has always been someone in close proximity for me!

In my new beautiful city of DC, I have yet to make a lot really solid friends. My roommates are super sweet, but they have all been here for awhile and have established community here. There have been many nights when I’ve come home, gone for a run, made dinner for myself and found things to entertain myself.


To be honest, I think I need this season of loneliness. As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I’ve cried to the Lord to give me friends immediately, I’m learning things that I know I could not learn any other way.

So, I’ve complied a few thoughts on things I’m currently learning through my loneliness. This is by no means extensive, but I hope that it encourages you in whatever stage of life you are in!

1) I’m learning how dependent I have been on people, and not the Lord.

As hard as it is to swallow, I’ve never realized just how much I’ve puffed myself up with pride in the past, based off of how “popular” I thought I was! It’s so easy when I’m surrounded by people to run to a person to satisfy my desire for companionship. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the body of believers, and I believe that we are designed to live in community with one another. However, I had unknowingly put people in the place of my Lord in my life. 

In the past…

  • When I’ve been sad or upset about something, I’ve gone to a friend’s shoulder to cry on and receive a hug and their sympathy instead of going to the Lord to comfort my heart!

  • When I’ve been lonely, I’ll call someone up (usually a guy friend) to come and fulfill that need in my heart to feel loved and desired instead of seeking my Great Lover to satisfy my heart and deepest desires.

  • When I’ve been excited about something, I’ve gone to friends to cheer for me and to celebrate instead of going to my Father in thankfulness and seeking to rejoice in Him and with Him!

  • When I’ve been angry, I’ve vented to any available person who would lend an ear to me for more than 5 minutes instead of working out my problems before the throne!

This season of loneliness is making me aware how dependent i was on others in the past. I had tried to place an impossible burden on them of meeting my needs and desires that only my Savior can meet.

2) I’m meditating on Scripture more than I ever have in my life!

While I could sulk and throw myself a grand old pity party (obviously I would be the only one in attendance!) and dwell on how I have no friends, I’ve chosen to fill my head with God’s truth!


Psalm 25 has been capturing my heart’s attention, and I’ve been dwelling on the first verse. The Lord has been revealing to me how many things other than Him that I lift up my soul to, and I’m learning to lift up my soul to Him and Him only!

Beloved, I don’t know where life finds you right now. Whether you find yourself in the exact same boat, and just needed a breath of encouragement, or whether you’re surrounded by a million friends and this serves as a caution to you. Always, always, always make sure that Christ is first in your heart! It’s easier said than done.

I challenge you to seek out some alone time with the Lord to really search out your heart. There are always things that we need to hand over to our Father! Lay those down before His throne and rest in the fact that He loves you!

Monday Musings – DC adventures

Happy Monday!!


Today was definitely a Monday from the fact that I rolled out of bed 45 minutes late, to the fact that I ran the half mile to the metro, and finished getting ready at the metro stop! Picture me pinning back my hair, putting on the rest of my jewelry, and changing into my work shoes (aka heels that I can’t easily prance around in). When I got to work (by way of Starbucks), the first thing I did was spill my coffee all over my desk! Instead of sitting down to cry like I felt like doing, I ran and grabbed a towel, cleaned up my mess and decided that…

Today was going to be a great day!


And aside from the fact that I didn’t have my favorite drink pumping through my veins, it was a good day!




Okay, enough about that! How about some pictures about my current adventures in DC?

Last weekend, my roommate and some of her friends decided to take me around the city! As much as I love this place, I haven’t really seen that much of it, so we headed down to the Library of Congress!


Unfortunately it was closed by the time we got there!

But don’t worry, we still had fun…

Isn’t this what everyone does at the Library of Congress?!

Library 2


After having a little fun at the Library of Congress, we descended the steps and came upon a beautiful fountain! Of course we had to make wishes while there…






My wish was to be the First Lady one day!

I took myself to the American History museum this week (all by my onsies), and saw all of the gorgeous gowns that the First Ladies get to wear! So, I decided that I want to be a First Lady! I can never be president, because I wasn’t born in the United States, so I decided that First Lady will have to do!


Then, I paid a visit to my favorite building in DC….


The Capitol


Everytime I see this building, I get chills and suddenly loose all words! It is spectacular!!

Also, I’m secretly hoping that one day the government decides to allow me to use it for my own personal house! Guess I’d better go back to my wishing fountain!

Speaking of homes…I found a little piece of my home around DC! I’m sure I looked like an idiot as I ran across the street to snap a picture, but my heart was so happy to see the words, “North Carolina”dc3

Something amazing happened this week…

I saw DC at night!!!


Before I came here, everyone told me that I had to see the memorials at night, but I hadn’t had a chance to see them yet. Last week, I strolled around the sights at night while drinking in all of their beauty!




Oh, and I found North Carolina again!!




I could practically hear President Lincoln calling my name, so I had to go visit him!







If you ever come to visit DC, take my advice and go see these incredible sights at night! You won’t be sorry!


This next picture made me chuckle! There are two guys in the office building across the street that came outside today and tossed a football back and forth!! I was a creeper and took a picture!!


Also, while I was on hold today, I snapped a picture of myself so you will all know what I look like at work (cuz clearly that is important! :p)




I hope ya’ll enjoy my weekly “updates” on my life! Have a fantastic day!



Heart of the issue?

“I’m pro-life”

“I’m against gay marriage”

“I’m a republican”

“I’m a southern baptist”

Do any of these things sound familiar? There are all phrases I’ve uttered at some point over the past year. While they are all true, I’ve been challenged to begin changing my philosophy! Anyone that knows me knows that I love politics! I can hold my weight in a discussion on why I think Obamacare is bad, why I believe abortion is wrong, the proper role of government, etc.

It’s crucial to be able to know what you believe and why, but I believe something is missing! While Christians must stand up for things such as the sanctity of human life and the sanctity of marriage, if standing up for those “issues” is all we do –

we have failed!

You see, if we as Christians merely run around trying to change the social and political culture of our world, we are missing the call of God! The Lord never called us to  governmental reform! That sounds like a bold statement doesn’t it! And you might initially disagree with me! Allow me to flesh out that thesis and hopefully you’ll see what I mean when I say that I don’t believe that we are “called” to that kind of reform!

What America needs isn’t a different president, a more conservative media, or a new set of laws…

….what America needs is Jesus!

We can make all the laws and changes that we want to, but ultimately that isn’t where the hope for America lies!

Dear one, as Christians, we have the greatest gift imaginable and we should be pointing others to Christ! I’ve fallen into the trap of allowing myself to be defined for the things I stand for and against, instead of being solely definitely by the fact that without Christ I am headed straight for hell, but with Him, all of my sins are forgiven and Christ has lavished me with grace upon grace!

Instead of running around trying to reform government or society, we should be meeting people where they are! If a young girl is pregnant and is considering an abortion, that is the perfect time for us to step into her life, show her Christ’s love and offer her real hope! Until we begin to care about people as more than a project or statistic, our nation will never change! We must realize that people’s hearts are dead without Christ, and they are going to act in a sinful way because it’s their nature

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:14-16

Here is the question I pose to you:

How are you being the light those around you?

Dear Christian, we are called to offer people hope in Christ! We are the light! When people begin to see and savor Christ as the most glorious treasure, social and government reform will happen as a natural result!


First week in DC!

Hello from our nation’s capital!!




Well…I’ve been in the city for a full week!

Last Friday, I said good bye to my siblings! My family is the most important thing to me, and I had a difficult time as I gave them each hugs and climbed into the car to drive away!




The drive up to DC was rather uneventful, my mom and I chatted most of the way up! Once we reached the house where I’m living, the girls immediately came out and welcomed me and helped me move it! I’m living with 3 other girls, and we all went to Liberty! Crazy how God brings people back together!

Here’s a picture of my new house!


With so many people’s help, moving in was a breeze! I’m sharing a room with a friend, so I set up my half of the room!

Not the best picture, but this is what my little corner of home looks like!


And yes, I did bring my childhood stuffed monkey with me! Where I go…Pinky goes!

I hit the ground running the weekend I moved in, because one of the girls in my house was celebrating her birthday! A group of us headed over to another friends house to spend the afternoon together!


Later, we all came back to the house, and one of the guys that they knew had turned our backyard into a Pinterest explosion!

Seriously, now gorgeous is this?!






We all ate dinner outside and enjoyed the beauty until rain drove us back inside. 

The next day, my roommate and I ventured out to try a church that had been recommended to me by a lot of people! Capitol Hill Baptist Church


Isn’t this place gorgeous?



I was throughly impressed with the church! The preaching was solid, and Mark Dever (the senior pastor, who also wrote the book 9 Marks) reminded me a lot of Tim Keller! I ended up attending the bible study on wednesday night. I was hoping to meet some people there, but had somewhere to be right after, so I couldn’t stay and meet people! But I definitely plan on going back!!

After church, Caroline (my roommate) and I headed over to Georgetown! I’d never been and we were meeting up with some people for lunch! We ate at an adorable place called Dean and Duluca!

twitter-thumbnailAfter lunch, we walked around and did some shopping! 

Then….we went to Georgetown Cupcake!

IMG_3920 IMG_3921


I got a red velvet cupcake and it was heavenly! 




First day at my big girl job:

Let me just start off by saying that I have the world’s most incredible friends, and have been surrounded with nothing but support and encouragement! Monday morning, my phone blew up with kind words from friends and family!

I arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed at 8:00 am for my first day of work! The first few days were mostly training, but on Thursday and Friday, I had actual work that I could begin doing! I absolutely love my job so far! Everyone at the office has been sweet to me and I’m beginning to get a feel for the office!


This post is long and I apologize for that! I wanted to give everyone an update on how I’m doing! Several people have asked how I’m doing, and I’m doing good! I truly mean that, I’m doing quite well! I think I expected to have a huge breakdown (and that might happen later down the road) but right now, I’m enjoying getting to explore the city! 


If anyone has any recommendations on what to see and do in DC (other than the obvious) I’d love your suggestions!




Monday Musings – Facelift for my “baby”

As you might have noticed, this blog recently got a facelift!

I decided that it was high time to redesign my baby. To be honest, I’d never really given too much thought into the appearance of the blog, I’d more or less just written. But I thought that I should spice up the aesthetics a little bit too!


As you know, there are a lot of changes happening in my life right now, and I’d like to use this blog to keep up on my life. I love to write, and this is the perfect way to continue to use a passion, while allowing you a peek inside the next chapter of my life!

Monday Musings are something I started a few months ago for several reasons:

1) To brighten up Mondays.

Let’s face it, not too many of us like Mondays, so I thought I would do a weekly blog post specifically on Mondays in order to hopefully brighten your day!

2) To be used as an “update” on me

A lot of what I tend to write on here is spiritual in nature, and what the Lord is teaching me, so on “Monday Musings” I take some time to update you on my life and what’s been going on!

3) House my a random collection of thoughts

Sometimes my life just isn’t “news worthy” so some Monday’s will just be for fun – pictures, music I’ve been enjoying, an occasional cheesy joke or two!

I promise to try my hardest to keep “Monday Musings” a weekly occurrence!

So, buckle up for this week’s installment of Monday Musings…

1) First things first

Princess Kate had a baby boy today!!


It’s a bit pathetic how excited I got when I heard the news! I feel like I’m a part of their fairy tale because I watched Princess Kate and Prince William’s wedding and now I get to celebrate the birth of their baby from across the pond!

2) I HATE packing!

…but really, it’s the worst!

Packing according to Pinterest…



Packing in reality… ( at least Chelsea style!)









Don’t judge!

If I could just snap my fingers and be completely packed, believe me, I would! But alias, I’m busy dealing with a room that looks like a bomb went off! Usually I am an organized person, but not of late. Don’t worry future roommates, I will be tidy for you!

3) Saying “See you later” is hard!

Another one of my lovely traits, I hate to say goodbye.

I would rather just leave without saying goodbye because it hurts my heart so much to bid my friends and family goodbye. But I know that’s not the way I should go about things, so these past few days and the days leading up to my departure have been filled with many “see you laters”.

I refuse to say the words “goodbye”, because I’m not leaving people’s lives, I am merely relocating. Distance doesn’t determine the quality of a relationship!


Well…that’s all for today!

I hope you’ve all throughly enjoyed today and will have a fantastic week!


The Burden Bearer…

Well…it finally hit me that I’m moving! Until now the fact that I’m moving to DC felt completely surreal. People have asked me how I felt about it and I’ve kept saying that I’m excited, but inwardly, I knew that it hadn’t actually sunk in that I was moving!

But today, my last weekend at home, it “hit” me.

There are many emotions going on in my heart right now. A big part of me is absolutely thrilled to be moving to one of my favorite cities, to work for a fantastic organization, and begin a new adventure. The Lord has worked out every detail of this next chapter of my life, so there is no doubt in my mind that this is where I’m supposed to be.

But if I’m completely honest, I’m overwhelmed!

I’ll spare you all the details of why my heart is overwhelmed. Not only is my move on the forefront of my mind, there are also other things in my life that have been weighing heavy on my heart. Knowing that I couldn’t keep myself together for too much longer, I grabbed my Bible, journal and a cup of tea and headed outside.



As the tears flowed down my cheeks, I cried out to the Lord.


There are more burdens on my heart than I can bear. 

My Father gently reminded me through His word that I do not have to bear the burdens I’ve been carrying around on my own strength. My eyes poured over the Psalms as I read over and over about how the Lord is my refuge and my strength.

Beloved, I don’t know where life finds you.

Maybe you’re on the mountaintop of your life, or maybe you’re journeying through a valley. Wherever you may be, I charge you to remember that if you are God’s child, you do not have to walk through this life on your own strength!

God has granted you all of heaven’s resources if you simply ask Him. He is our great Father, and He delights in being the strength and defender of His children. Press into Him. 

I know I’m going to be okay, because I have the Lord at my side. Yes, there are things in my life that hurt me, and there are going to be times when I want to just throw up my hands and quit. But as long as the Lord is my main focus, and my gaze is fixed firmly upon Him, nothing can shake me!

The following words from Frances Roberts encouraged my soul.


I have anticipated your dependence on Me

O My child, give Me your heart, for out of it issues life. My hand is upon you, and I will keep you in all places wherever you go. I am your God, and I am your Father, and I will care for you and provide for you according to all that you need. i will be at your side, ready to help you whenever you call on Me. i am not unmindful of your needs, and My concern is for you.



You do not need to carry your own load, for I will be happy to help you carry it and to bear you up, as well. You do not walk alone or meet any situation along, for I am with you, and I will give you wisdom and strength, and My blessings shall be yours. Keep your heart set on Me and your affections on things above.


Do not wait to feel worthy, for no one is worthy of My blessings. My grace bypasses your shortcomings, and I give to My children because they ask of Me and because I love them; I do not love one more than another. I give most liberally to those who ask the most of Me, for I love to have you depend on Me. This is why the Spirit within you cried, “Abba-Father.” As your Father, I anticipate your dependence on Me. You may mature and outgrow your dependence on your human parents, but as My child, you will never “outgrow” your spiritual sonship, nor will I ever cast you out to rely on your own resources.


Heaven’s recourses are at your command, and you need never want, so long as I am your Shepherd. Do not think that since I know all about you, you need not bother to tell Me. It is true that I know, but you need to tell Me so that in telling, you may experience the release of an open heart, and the fellowship of a Father




Moving to Washington DC!

I have some exciting news….

I recently accepted a position in Washington DC and I will be moving next week!!


Okay, how about a few details?!


While I was at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” conference a few weeks ago (Read about about it here ), I ran into one of my friends who works at an organization called Concerned Women for America. We were chatting and she mentioned that they were hiring, and that I would be perfect for the job! My friend called her boss, and we ended up dropping by the office while I was there. I chatted with my friends boss for about 45 minutes and then we headed back to the conference. I sent CWA my resume and then didn’t think too much more about it. Several weeks later, I was contacted for a formal interview!

My dad and I made a day trip up to DC  for the interview (I do not recommend driving 6 hours there and back in the same day!)


Once in the city, we grabbed a cup of coffee while I gathered my thoughts! Daddy prayed with me and then I headed up for the interview!


I was offered the position while in the interview!!

We discussed job details, but I was on cloud 9 the entire time and took mental notes while grinning from ear to ear! After I left the interview, I rush down to tell Daddy the good news and to call home! 



So, where will I be working?!



Concerned Women for America is a US coalition of conservative women which promotes Biblical values and family traditions.

I’m incredibly excited to be working for an organization that holds Biblical values dear! My official job title is “Field Development Coordinator”. CWA has states chapters, and I’m responsible for building relationships with the leaders and raising up new state directors!


Other Details

I’ll be moving next Friday!

Even as I type those words, I can hardly believe it! It still hasn’t hit me yet!

I am thrilled to be moving to a city that I love so much, and this job is going to be amazing…


If I’m completely honest, I’m terrified!

I mean, I’m about to leave…

– My family

– My state

– My friends

– My church

….my comfort zone

and I’ll be transiting to…

– Starting new job

– Moving to a completely new city

– Living in a new home

– Building new relationships

– Creating a new routine

– Finding a new church

… etc.

This transition is bittersweet, but I have been meditating on one of my favorite Psalms and the Lord has filled my mind with truth!




The Lord will be with me, so I’ll be okay! Yes, there will be tears because it’s going to be an adjustment, but my Heavenly Father has promised never to leave or forsake me!

So here’s to the next journey in life!



Godly look at body image

Let’s talk about body image!

To be honest, I’ve avoided publishing this post for awhile because it’s hard to be vulnerable about topics like this sometimes. But the Lord has taught me a lot in this area, and I know I’m not the only one that’s ever struggled with body image, so hopefully what I’ve learned will encourage you!

As a woman, I long to be beautiful – inside and out. I used to be ashamed for wanting to be beautiful, and would try to ignore those feelings – until the Lord brought me to Genesis. Eve was the first woman created, and she was completely perfect for two reasons. First, because she was created in God’s image, and therefore had intrinsic worth and value, and second because there was no sin in her yet.

Oh how gloriously beautiful she must have been! Can you just image Adam, who had been hanging out with the animals, waking up to find her – the finale of God’s creation!


Women were originally created to be beautiful, because it says something about God’s character! Even though men and women are created equal, they have different roles, and they reflect different parts of God’s characteristics. Men reflect God’s strength and power, while women reflect God’s tenderness and beauty.

But something happened…

man sinned…


As a result, woman’s beauty was distorted. Don’t get me wrong, women are still beautiful and created in God’s image, but now, women’s desire to be beautiful often becomes an idol and something they chase after more than the Lord.

Take a walk in your local drugstore and you’ll see aisle after aisle of products promising women that they can have…

“Flawless skin”

“Sexy hair”

“Plump lips”

“Sultry eyes”

“Alluring cheeks”

The list goes on and on.


I’m going to be honest, I’ve struggled with insecurity. There have been times when I’ve walked into a room, and the very first thing I want to do is go hide in a corner because I feel like the plainest, most unattractive woman in the room. There have been times where I’ll compare myself physically to other women, and measure myself against an unrealistic standard.


Recently, one of my younger sisters told me that she wasn’t happy with how she looked. I sat down with her and told her that it makes God unhappy when she says that she’s not beautiful, because she’s created in Him image, and she’s insulting Him when she complains about how she looks!

Beloved, when I stand in front of the mirror and rattle off to the Lord about how I wish He had created me with thicker hair, longer legs and higher cheek bones – I am offending my dear Savior, because I am criticizing His handiwork! He fashioned me exactly how He wanted me to be. My appearance, my personality, my story – all of it is perfectly and uniquely and lovingly designed by my Father!


As I’ve been asking Him to give me confidence knowing that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I will be praying for my fellow sisters in Christ! Please always remember…

Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart!

Enjoy the beauty that God has given you – it’s a reflection of Him!

But don’t ever get sucked into thinking that outward beauty is all there is. Character is what matters and what will last!

I am a woman resolved to seeking the Lord with all of my heart, mind and soul. While I do mess up, while I do struggle and fall, while I do need daily grace – I know to whom I belong!


Monday Musings – The road from my head to my heart

Happy Monday all!

Before I get to the meat of this post, I thought I would share one of my favorite photos of the super moon with you! Anyone that knows me, knows how much I absolutely adore the moon! I regularly get texts from friends that read something along the lines of, “Chelsea, I saw the moon outside and thought of you!” or “Go outside and look at the moon!”

Whew! God’s creation is breathtaking!



This week hasn’t been nearly as busy or as “exciting” as the past few weeks have been! I haven’t met any former presidential candidates, I haven’t spoken at any conferences, and I haven’t traveled anywhere! Even though circumstantially, things haven’t been quite as glamorous, the Lord has been teaching me much this week and that is what I would like to share with you!

I’ve been wrestling a lot with the Lord this past week.

Lord, I know how I should respond when pain creeps into my heart.
Lord, I know how I should respond when I don’t know the next step in life.
Lord, I know how I should respond when my heart starts to long for things.
Lord, I know how I should respond when anxiety floods my mind.
Lord, I know how I should respond when a person captures my attention.

….even though I have the head knowledge, so often my heart is running in the exact opposite direction. Whoever said to “Follow your heart” must not have a head because that is the worst possible advice!
Scripture tells us that,

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick.”

Oh how true those words are!

Often times, I struggle to submit my heart to the Lord. If I’m incredibly honest, it is because I don’t fully trust Him. Pridefully, I think that I can do a better job at managing my heart than He can.


He’s the one that created my heart.
He’s the one that knows me more deeply than any human ever could.
He’s the one that chooses to love me regardless of my sins or shortcomings.
He’s the one who numbers the hairs on my head.
He’s the one who collects my tears in a bottle.
He’s the one who adopted me as His own daughter.

He’s the one in whom I can place my trust!


Beloved, I will be the first one to stand up and say that I struggle connecting my head and my heart and then laying both before the throne of God! The first part of Romans 8 has been capturing my attention, and it is discussing life in the Spirit vs. life in the flesh. Oh how despertly I long to be a woman living in the Spirit! I pray that you will join me as we seek to become people who learn how to trust the Lord with everything…including our hearts!

This song, Head to My Heart is beautiful and is a sweet reminder that I’m not the only one struggling!