
Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you dropped by!

My name is Chelsea Patterson


The name of this blog comes from the fact that I was born in Bucharest, Romania! Ethnically, I am Romanian through and through, but I was adopted as a wee one and grew up in good ‘ole North Carolina. My heart beats a little faster whenever I hear Romania brought up in conversation (which isn’t that often), but I love the country and the people!

On the other hand, North Carolina (in my humble opinion) is one of the greatest states in this great nation. We have the beach, the mountains, four seasons, big cities, small towns, Tar Heel Basketball and Krispy Kream Dougnuts! I adore my state, and I’m grateful to have grown up in it!


I’m a recent graduate of Liberty University, where I got my degree in International Relations, politics and policy – in other words, I’m a nerd! During my senior year at Liberty, I had the wonderful privilege of serving as the Senior Class President, which meant that I got the once in a lifetime opportunity of speaking at my own commencement! I presented the Senior Class Gift, which was a combination of raising $25,000 for a home where girls with unplanned pregnancies can live and be taken care of. The second part of the gift was a Pro-Life Emphasis week that I planned and executed for the student body. 


Washington DC is my new home! Recently, I accepted a position at a non-profit and moved up to our nation’s capital. It has been a big adjustment for a small town, southern gal. But so far, I am really enjoying it!


Another important to know about me is that I love my family above any other people on this earth! I was incredibly blessed to grow up with two of the most incredible people as my parents!


I am one of six children! My parents adopted me and a boy from Romania. Nicholas and I aren’t blood related, but we are 11 days apart! (We can tell some pretty creative stories about being 11 days apart!) He is my very best friend on this planet!


I also have a 19 year old brother named Alexander. He’s adopted from Russia, and is quite the cutie! We’ve gotten really close over the past few years, and I consider him a dear friend as well!


In addition to having 2 pretty cool brothers, I also have 3 sisters! They are all Russian as well! It is so much fun to have so many ladies in the house!


Here are just a few quick fun facts about me!

– I absolutely adore coffee, and typically drink it black!
– I love fresh flowers, and am not ashamed to buy them for myself!
– Red is my favorite color.
– I can’t carry a tune to save my life.
– I’ve run a half marathon!
– Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies.
– John Mayer, enough said!
– I’m going to write a book one day!
– Mornings are the best, and I am a natural morning person!

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